Euralex 1994 Proceedings

05_Euralex_Piet Swanepoel - Problems, Theories and Methodologies in Curent Lexicographic Semantic.pdf
06_Euralex_Antonietta Alonge - Motion Verbs - Data on Meaning Components in Dictionaries and Iden.pdf
07_Euralex_Pierrette Bouillon - A Semi-Polymorphic Approach to the Interpretation of Adjectival C.pdf
08_Euralex_Anna Braasch - Theres no Accounting for Taste -Except in Dictionaries ....pdf
09_Euralex_Adelia Carstens - The Treatment of Ideological Polysemy in Monolingual Afrikaans Dicti.pdf
10_Euralex_Luca Dini - Piu and Dictionary Syntax - A Case Study.pdf
11_Euralex_Dirk Geeraerts - Varieties of lexical variation.pdf
12_Euralex_F.J. Heyvaert - The edges of definition.pdf
13_Euralex_Isao Higashimori - Cognition, Synonymy and Definitions.pdf
14_Euralex_Adam Kilgarriff - The Myth of Completeness and Some Problems with Consistency (The Role o.pdf
15_Euralex_Robert Krovetz - Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts Learning t.pdf
16_Euralex_Monica Monachini and Adriana Roventini - Italian Audition Verbs - A Corpus- and Frame-.pdf
17_Euralex_Lineke Oppentocht - Towards a Lexical Semantic Model for the Creation of NLP and Human.pdf
18_Euralex_B. Sandford Pedersen, S. Kirchmeier-Andersen and L. Schosler - Combining Semantics and Syntax.pdf
19_Euralex_C. Peters, S. Federici, S. Montemagni and N. Calzolari - From Machine Readable Dictionaries to Lexicons.pdf
20_Euralex_L.J. de Regt - The Description of Multiple Meaning in Some Biblical Hebrew Lexicographical Projects.pdf
21_Euralex_R.I.Rozina - On Verbs with a Completely Affected Goal_An Attempt at Explicating a Sema.pdf
22_Euralex_Michael Rundell and Nick Ham - A New Conceptual Map of English.pdf
23_Euralex_Jorg Schutz and Barbel Ripplinger - Controlling NLP through Terminological Information.pdf
24_Euralex_M. Taule Delor, M. A. M. Antonin and Irene C. Masalles - Towards a VRQS Presentation.pdf
25_Euralex_Ake Viberg - Differentiation and Polysemy in the Swedish Verbal Lexicon.pdf
26_Euralex_Hennie van der Vliet - Conceptual Semantics for Nouns.pdf
27_Euralex_Ulrich Heid - On Ways Words Work Together - Topics in Lexical Combinatorics.pdf
28_Euralex_Ulla Clausen & Erika Lyly - Criteria for Identifying and Representing Idioms in a Phra.pdf
29_Euralex_Dmitrij Dobrovolskij - Idioms in a Semantic Network - Towards a New Dictionary-Type.pdf
30_Euralex_Thierry Fontenelle - Using Lexical Functions to Discover Metaphors.pdf
31_Euralex_Gregory Grefenstette - Corpus-Derived First_Second and Third-Order Word Affinities.pdf
32_Euralex_R.R.K. Hartmann - The Use of Parallel Text Corpora in the Generation of Translation Eq.pdf
33_Euralex_Dirk Heylen and Kerry Maxwell - Lexical Functions and the Translation of Collocations.pdf
34_Euralex_Frank Knowles_Peter Roe - LSP and the Notion of Distribution as a Basis for Lexicograp.pdf
35_Euralex_Cordula Krahl - Aspekte des Kombinationswissens von Verben und Substantiven im Verglei.pdf
36_Euralex_Igor A. Melchuk and Leo Wanner - Towards an Efficient Representation of Restricted Le.pdf
37_Euralex_Ingrid Meyer and Kristen Mackintosh - Phraseme Analysis and Concept Analysis_Exploring.pdf
38_Euralex_Simonetta Montemagni - Non Alternating Argument Structures_The Causative_Inchoative Al.pdf
39_Euralex_Carmen Soler and Ma. Antonia Marti - Dealing with Lexical Mismatches.pdf
40_Euralex_V. Teliya - Lexical Collocation - Denominative and Cognitive Aspects.pdf
41_Euralex_Knud Troels Thomsen - On the Hardships Involved in Creating a Labelling System for Usa.pdf
42_Euralex_Jan van Voorst - The Role of Verb Meaning in the Calculation of Aspectual Interpretati.pdf
43_Euralex_Khurshid Ahmad, Paul Holmes-Higgin and Syed Sibte Raza Abidi - A Description of Texts .pdf
44_Euralex_Jeannine Beeken, William Van Belle and Dirk Speelman - Connectors - a Substantial Part.pdf
45_Euralex_Stephan Bopp - An Implementation of Italian Inflection and Word Formation.pdf
46_Euralex_Willem Botha - An About-Turn Halfway Through the Completion of a Multi Volume Overall-.pdf
47_Euralex_F. Cermak - Czech Idiom Dictionary.pdf
48_Euralex_Claudia Dobrina - EU Terminology in Swedish - Compiling an English-Swedish Vocabulary.pdf
49_Euralex_Gisela Harras - Edeltraud Winkler - A Model for Describing Speech Act Verbs The Semant.pdf
50_Euralex_Pieter Harteveld - The Computerization of the Lexicographical Processes at the Bureau .pdf
51_Euralex_Ulrich Heid - Relating Lexicon and Corpus - Computational Support for Corpus-Based Lex.pdf
52_Euralex_Lionel Kernerman - A 3-Part, Fully Trilingual Tri-Directional Dictionary.pdf
53_Euralex_G.I. Kustova and E.V.Paducheva - Semantic Dictionary as a Lexical Database.pdf
54_Euralex_John Laffling - An Analogical Dictionary for Machine Translation.pdf
55_Euralex_Wolf-Andreas Liebert - Lascaux - A Hypermedia Lexicon of Metaphor Models for Scientific Imagination.pdf
56_Euralex_Eugenio Picchi - Statistical Tools for Corpus Analysis - A Tagger and Lemmatizer for I.pdf
57_Euralex_Rik Schutz - VLIS - Van Dale Lexicographic information System.pdf
58_Euralex_Serge Verlinde and Jean Binon - The Dictionnaire Contextuel du Francais Economique_A P.pdf
59_Euralex_Alan Kirkness - Aero-Lexicography - Observations on the Treatment of Combinemes and.pdf
60_Euralex_Petek Kurtboke - 17th-century Italian-Turkish Dictionaries.pdf
61_Euralex_Liam Mac Mathuna - Assessing Diachronie Meaning Change in the Topographical Vocabulary.pdf
62_Euralex_Linda C. Mitchell - Inversion of Grammar Books and Dictionaries in the Seventeenth and.pdf
63_Euralex_Marijke Mooijaart and Hans Westgeest - Terminology and the Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal.pdf
64_Euralex_Batia Lauf er and Linor Melamed - Monolingual, Bilingual and Bilingualised Dictionaries.pdf
65_Euralex_Hilary Nesi - The Effect of Language Background and Culture on Productive Dictionary Use.pdf
66_Euralex_Stefania Nuccorini - On Dictionary Misuse.pdf
67_Euralex_Andrew Taylor and Adelaide Chan - Pocket Electronic Dictionaries and their Use.pdf
68_Euralex_Krista Varantola - The Dictionary User as Decision Maker.pdf
69_Euralex_Paul Bogaards - Synonymy and Bilingual Lexicography.pdf
70_Euralex_Arthur J. Bronstein - Extending the Treatment of Pronunciation Entries in General Dictionaries.pdf